How to Find Performance Bottlenecks
in your VMware and NetApp Environment

Turning Infrastructure Data into Answers

Businesses are increasingly expecting more from their IT infrastructure. Some of the benefits of the systems your IT department sets up are that they are available, stable, innovative, and efficient. You need a centralized monitoring, alerting, and reporting system that maps cross-platform dependencies to find performance or capacity problems before they happen.

Many businesses use VMware vSphere and NetApp Storage for simplifying their IT architecture, among other tools, to improve their IT architecture when facing challenges. One way they do this is by virtualizing their server infrastructure. Even though these systems depend on each other, each vendor has its own monitoring and alerting features. Even though these “comprehensive tools” allow for a deep look at each system, they don’t offer a cross-platform view in the form of end-to-end monitoring.

The Solution: BVQ for VMware

Find performance bottlenecks in your VMware and NetApp environments by consolidating monitoring and analysis tasks. BVQ creates a streamlined, transparent system in which the most important parts of the IT infrastructure are checked to see if they comply with limit values, best practices, and critical factors. At a glance, you can see where the bottlenecks are on the virtual servers, hosts, and cluster. You can also see where the latencies are on the storage system and where the peak network loads are.

BVQ is the ideal starting point for an end-to-end ITSM

Real end-to-end analytics via the integration of Compute, HCI, Network and Storage layers

The seamless merging of the four layers increases the performance of each individual layer.

The alerting features of BVQ can help automate this monitoring by using predefined analysis methods that make working with BVQ easier and find areas that need to be constantly monitored. Alerts from BVQ (for SVC Storage and VMware) can now be added to ServiceNow to automatically create incident tickets.

As soon as the software is installed, BVQ will use reports and alerts that have already been set up to do an initial analysis of the environment. Now, it’s easy and clear to keep an eye on all important parameters and say for sure what causes, fixes, and results problems like resource and performance bottlenecks, wrong loads, and critical response times have.

In one use case, BVQ was able to figure out how the load was being shared between VMware and NetApp, as well as within the NetApp systems themselves, and what kind of resource optimization was possible in a VMware setting. With the help of the instructions that came out of BVQ, performance bottlenecks could be avoided ahead of time.

Through the integration of the compute, HCI, network, and storage layers, all of your platforms are brought together into a single infrastructure. This gives you real end-to-end analytics. Dashboards, powerful alerts, system health maps, and analysis panels are all part of BVQ so that you can get results quickly.

Using BVQ not only makes it easier to plan for future IT landscape expansions in a safe way, but the system changes also make it much easier to use resources in a cost-effective way. System administrators who are happy with BVQ’s features will use the tool to its fullest for reports, monitoring, cross-platform analyses, and preparing for the future with Kubernetes.

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